
What is a mustache? »Its definition and meaning


It is known as a mustache or mustache to the hair that grows in the area of ​​the face, which ranges from the lower limit of the nose to the upper lip. These hairs are usually really noticeable in men who have already reached adulthood, as is the case with beard hairs, however their appearance during puberty is not ruled out. This type of hair that grows on the face of men is usually accompanied by a beard and / or sideburns depending on the preferences of the individual. Many people use it as a good facade to hide a defect in the skin or scars that have remained after an injury, it can also be used simply as an ornament or according to the fashion of the time.

It is important to note that the mustache is normally associated with a masculine connotation, that is, it is accepted as a distinctive mark of men, for that reason, this does not usually happen with women, since on the contrary, a woman who having a mustache will not be considered feminine in the opinion of most people.

Throughout the years the mustache has been a natural symbolism of manhood and virility, in addition to that it also denotes class, wisdom, authority and power depending on the moment and the society in which it is conceived.

On the other hand, as for the plague shaving, it is usually done with blades, in ancient times these blades were made of stone according to experts, this technique dates from the Neolithic, despite the fact that the oldest representation that shows a man Shaved and with a mustache is the one seen of the butler Ketty, who lived during Dynasty VI

Several centuries ago in the armies of various countries it was a trend that prevailed for many years, being able to observe a great variety of styles. Generally, young men and those of lower grades wore a small and less stylized mustache; for their part, high ranking officers and veterans used it much thicker. In certain regions of the world it was obligatory for soldiers to wear a mustache.