Within the biological field, blastomeres are embryonic cells that are not yet defined towards which cell tissue will be distinguished. They are extracted from the embryo when the embryo biopsy is performed, for the execution of the genetic diagnosis on the third day of embryonic development. Its analysis allows us to know how the embryo is chromosomally composed.
Blastomeres are rapidly distributed during the first days of pregnancy, despite the fact that the size of the egg remains constant. After three days, the fertilized egg has 16 blastomeres, where from that moment it is called a morula. Then blastulation occurs, which indicates the beginning of cell distinction, in such a way that a set of blastomeres are located creating an outer envelope called trophoblast, which will later originate the placenta, while the others come together to form the inner cell mass that will create the embryo.
Therefore, blastomeres are considered fetal cells that make up the fertilization process, since once the sperm and ovum are fertilized, they give way to the formation of the zygote. From there, the zygote begins a division process, which generates an increase in the number of cells, these cells are known as blastomeres.
Once the cell division process has started, the differentiation of these cells begins, which will allow determining the formation of the different organs and tissues depending on the pattern established for the creation of the final organism.
El proceso de diferenciación celular consta de tres fases: blastulacion (etapa embrionaria formada por una esfera de blastómeros), gastrulación (proceso por medio del cual se definen las tres capas germinativas en el embrión), organogénesis (proceso de formación de los órganos de un ser vivo en evolución). Una vez concluido todo este proceso el organismo producido recibe el nombre de feto, el cual continuar evolucionando hasta llegada la hora del alumbramiento.