The Berit Milá that is translated as “the pact of circumcision”, refers to the ritual of circumcision, a custom that is practiced on Jewish men on the eighth day after their birth, this act represents the pact carried out between God and Abraham, As stipulated in the Talmud, this is a precept to be fulfilled by the father of each family, as Abraham did with Isaac. Today, the rite is performed by a mohel, "circumciser" said individual does not need to be a doctor or rabbi, but yes a person who respects the lawsand basic beliefs like Shabbat and eating kosher. The symbolism of the Brit Milah is centered in the story that appears in the book of Genesis 17: 1, God appeared before Abraham to seal a pact between them and thus start the history of the people of Israel.
This ceremonial act is carried out early in the morning of the eighth day of the baby's life, and unless there is some danger to the newborn, it is not postponed even because it falls on Shabbat. The Brit Milah is one of the most deeply rooted and important halacha precepts among Jews, which is observed by both observers and secularists. The story tells that Adam and Moses were born already circumcised; and that in the same way it must happen with the messiah.
If there is a case of a child who was born without his foreskin, or a person who is already circumcised converts to Judaism, what is done is to make a small prick, with the aim of making a drop of blood flow, in that way considers the precept fulfilled. In the same way this must also be done by the mohel.
On the other hand, in the Talmud, the rule appears that if the neonate's maternal uncle died of hemorrhage during his circumcision, he is exempt from undergoing this procedure. Since it is presumed through the possible transmission by maternal route of the tendency to hemophilia.
In contrast, within Christianity the New Year is the celebration of the circumcision of Jesus. In other words, every January 1st the celebration of this event is commemorated after the eight days of Jesus Christ being born.