It is a form of cancer which can be named in different ways depending on the specific place in the throat where it develops, either in the nasopharynx, larynx, oropharynx, hypopharynx and laryngeal cage. Vices such as smoking and alcoholism are undoubtedly two elements that greatly increase the risk of developing throat cancer. Some characteristic symptoms are pain in the affected area that is not resolved with anything, difficulty swallowing food, pain in the ear area, among others. The most common tests when detecting this type of cancer is through the use of physical examinations in the affected region, the use of biopsies and imaging tests of the area can be used.
Those individuals who maintain the habit of smoking tobacco and ingesting alcohol in excessive amounts and for prolonged periods of time are those who are more prone to developing this pathology, since these two factors are undoubtedly elements that potentially increase the risk of suffering from this evil. This occurs mostly in people over 55 years of age, being those belonging to the male sex who are more prone, compared to their female counterpart.
Symptoms may include frequent coughing, the sound of breathing is abnormal, spitting saliva may be accompanied by blood, pain in the ear and neck, severe sore throats that may extend for 15 consecutive days during which not shown improvement even by using antibiotics, difficulty to swallow food, protuberances may appear in the cervical region, abnormal weight loss among others.
Physical examinations are the first step to detect if you are in the presence of throat cancer, in order to be able to verify if there are lumps in the neck area, in addition to this, the internal areas of the throat are also checked, Using a probe that has a camera on the tip, biopsies, X-rays, CT scans and MRIs in the throat area are other tests that can be performed.