The training is defined as the set of educational activities aimed at expanding knowledge, skills and abilities of staff working in a company. Training enables workers to perform better in their current and future positions, adapting to the changing demands of the environment. This is seen as a short-term educational process, it uses specialized and planned techniques through which the company's staff will obtain the knowledge and skills necessary to increase their effectiveness in achieving the objectives that the organization for which they work has planned..
What is training
Table of Contents
As explained in the previous paragraph, training is nothing more than the art and willingness to educate, instruct and teach a certain number of people who intend to be part of a company or a work group. With the training, it is intended that people obtain extra knowledge about a specific topic or occupation, so that, if it meets the expectations of the employer or boss, he or she can choose to occupy the position that is available.
The training of personnel is quite common in companies, as they seek to train their employees in various branches and strengthen their knowledge. In this way, the employee prepares better and increases the chances of climbing a ladder or position, and in turn the company injects motivation into its workers and encourages them to strengthen their knowledge. This, indirectly, is a benefit for the business. If the company manages to train its workers, production increases and, with it, the benefits and results of each job.
Training in English is called Training. And the synonymous training list is long, starting with instruction, teaching and culminating with training. A company that continuously trains its personnel will never fall into backwardness and obsolescence of their knowledge, rather it will have an updated human resource in competition with others, positively impacting the productivity of the organization.
Having workers who know how to act, what to do and how to achieve the success of their company are essential and this is largely achieved by the training they receive and the willingness that the worker himself has to want to learn and renew knowledge.
Nowadays, it is quite common to find training for companies, or for them to organize technical training courses so that their employees have a broad knowledge about their work area, the possible new conditions that appear in the market, technological advances of their branch of work and everything that has to do with the position held within the company. It is a necessary, useful training that generates personal benefits for each worker who undergoes training for the job.
Concept of training according to authors
According to Simón Dolan, worker training consists of a set of activities whose primary purpose is to improve their present or future performance, thus increasing their capacity through the improvement of their knowledge, skills and attitudes.
According to Chiavenato, training is an effective tool to improve the performance of a company's workers, so, par excellence, it can help to have a process in which the necessary change is facilitated so that the company's staff have a better vision of the advantages and benefits of it.
Training according to the rae
The Royal Spanish Academy defines training as the “Action or effect of training”.
Constant training
As already mentioned, training is synonymous with training. In this sense, it refers to the monetary and time investment that a person dedicates to acquire the knowledge that is demanded of him, to achieve a certain objective and if it is carried out continuously, it is considered constant training. The training aims to increase the skills and abilities of the individual, through teaching, so that they can increase their performance when carrying out their assigned tasks within the organization.
In most cases, in organizations training is generated in an organized manner and is part of the business strategy that has been designed for their growth. Although constant training is essential for the training of personnel who have just entered an organization, so that they can quickly adapt to their role to be played; Studies reveal that one of the keys for a person to be able to climb rungs within the hierarchy of the company for which they work is precisely in the continuity of this training of employees.
Likewise, it plays a fundamental role so that those who have already assumed positions of bosses within the organization, remain for a long time in that job. Thus, when a company is willing to invest in the preparation of its personnel, in its different ranks, an efficient and effective work environment can be observed, which will promote a sense of belonging and added value for all those who occupy a job. inside of her.
Today the business world lives in constant change. We are in the presence of a paradigm that focuses on the knowledge and well-being of people, which goes beyond the simple profitability of the organization. What was considered a success yesterday may not be today and what is successful today may not be successful tomorrow. This explains a bit how our society and their way of seeing things change.
With the globalization that today covers the whole world, surprising consumers and innovating within such a variety, it is increasingly a task of greater difficulty, which is why the constant preparation of personnel has a fundamental role within the organization, since that the workers keep up-to-date on new trends and behavior of the market where the company is operating; This will allow it to last over time, offering great things to each generation to which it is part.
Training types
The training is aimed at a worker who is going to carry out a new activity, either because he is going to be relocated to another position within the company, or because he is a new employee in the company. This is why the training you receive can be broken down into three large groups:
Pre-entry training
This is done for selection purposes, seeking to offer new staff the knowledge or skills they need for the proper performance of their position.
Induction training
It is a series of activities that allow the new employee to integrate his position, his group, his boss and the company.
Promotional training
This training gives the employee the possibility of reaching higher hierarchical positions. It comprises a set of actions oriented towards the execution of activities that promote the improvement of employee attitudes.
Training process
Every company has a human resources department and its administrators are fully aware that workers are the human resource par excellence in all existing work programs. That is why bosses, administrators and managers have the interest and duty to ensure that their employees have the adequate resources, tools and knowledge to work in a business environment. This training represents and encompasses the personal knowledge of each worker, influences their abilities and the way to improve their work skills.
The training process is based on the methods used to train the workers of the company, being able to start with terminology courses to cover more extensive and complex topics on handling of machinery, technologies or any subject that has to do with the object of work in the workplace. Within this process, there are 3 effective ways to successfully carry out job training and they are the entry phase, training program and lastly, evaluation.
Entry phase
In the first place, a situational analysis is carried out of the conditions in which the company is, its objectives, short, medium and long-term goals, its labor policies and what it looks for in the people who work in it, in this way, a determination of the conflicts raised in each job position and the points or mechanisms that are needed to resolve them is achieved. Placed these problems in conjunction with their possible solutions, you can have real informational elements to make concrete decisions and ensure success in the total preparation of employees.
Training program
It is a document whose content is made up of a set of specific programs, ordered by the different work areas, occupation and production levels, taking care of the details of the activities involved. It also takes into consideration the guidelines and procedures for its correct application.
With it , the learning results of each employee who took the course are measured, but it must also be verified that there is effectiveness, coordination and quality in teaching and in the events carried out in the training. In addition, it is imperative that, after completing the course, the scope of training in occupational areas is determined and analyzed.
Example of a staff training program
Training plan for restaurant staff as a training program for customer management.
1.- First: General business analysis
- Select providers for the program.
- Propose development topics.
- Define goals to be achieved in the short, medium and long term.
- Establish who will be the candidates for the training.
- Evaluation methodology.
- Use of counselors or psychologists.
- Recognitions or diplomas that ratify the knowledge obtained.
2.- Training program itself
- Correct food service.
- Management of provisions and food reserves.
- Direct the kitchen, the tables and the personal service.
- Cleaning and maintenance services.
- Recognition of degrees of learning.
- Recognition of trained workers.
- Recognition of the means of evaluation.
3.- Evaluation and relevant training methodologies
- Conferences (personal and video).
- Books.
- Practices.
- Evaluations.
- Debates