What is known as cavities is nothing more than a pathology that is characterized by destroying the tissue that makes up the teeth, these are the result of the accumulation of acids that are caused by bacteria found in the plaque that forms in the external region of the tooth. In general, cavities are a direct consequence of an uncontrolled lifestyle and eating, heredity also plays an important role in terms of the frequency with which cavities appear. In general, the plaque responsible for cavities is formed from the intake of foods, which contain sugars. The oral poor hygiene or even ignorance of the correct use of the brush may be another cause.
When cavities begin to form in teeth, the tissue that makes up them begins to be destroyed, due to the acids generated by the bacteria found in bacterial plaque. However, it is important to point out that this is not the only cause that generates cavities, so do poor oral hygiene, such as misuse of a toothbrush, use of creams that are not made with the best quality standards, no flossing, etc.
In general, cavities tend to appear to a greater extent in infants, however adults are not exempt from them. Cavities can be of various types and are as follows:
- Radicular cavities are those that usually appear at the root of the teeth, this is because over the years the gums gradually retract, which causes it to be exposed and its appearance is much easier, since they are not covered by enamel.
- Crown cavities are undoubtedly the most frequent, they can appear in both adults and children, they frequently appear on the chewing area of the tooth, as well as between them.
- Recurrent cavities, are formed in the crown and obstructions, these usually occur in these regions since plaque accumulates much more easily in them.
- Recurrent cavities - can form around existing fillings and crowns. It happens because these areas have a tendency to accumulate plaque, which eventually leads to cavities.