
What is Central America? »Its definition and meaning


Central America, which is also known as Central America, is a subcontinent of America that links South America with North America. Central America is constituted by a narrow and prolonged isthmus in the form of a bridge between these two subcontinents that correspond to South America and North America, which many geographers show this territory as part of North America. This subcontinent has an area of ​​523,000 square kilometers, which is politically divided into 7 independent countries that are El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras and Panama; although several geographers annex the southernmost sector of Mexico to the Central American subcontinent

Central America composes a barrier or bardal that separates the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean, which also constitutes the western limit of the Caribbean Sea and where one of the most important maritime communication channels in the world resides that allows the connection between these two great oceans. the so-called Panama Canal. Geologically speaking, Central America is established on the Caribbean plate, whose opposite limit is the arc of the Antilles islands.

This subcontinent is a mountainous region and one of the areas of America that has a large number of active volcanoes; As for the relief, it ascends from the narrow Pacific coastal region to the tips of the mountains, gradually descending to a region that expands along the Caribbean Sea.

Among the most populated countries in Central America is Guatemala with around 16 or more million inhabitants, where the largest number is in the capital of that country, which is Guatemala City; then followed by Honduras with 8 million inhabitants; Nicaragua with around 6 million inhabitants along with El Salvador; Panama and Costa Rica are around 3.5 million and finally Belize is the one with the fewest inhabitants with about 300,000.