The expression CEO corresponds to the acronym in English for "Chief Executive Officer", which translated into Spanish means "Chief Executive Officer", specifying a business position. This expression is widely used by US companies to define the person who occupies the most authoritative position within the administrative direction of an organization or institution.
However, this term despite being used in the business environment, has not been approved by the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy "RAE" to refer in Spanish to the position of executive director.
The main function of a CEO is to ensure that both the strategies and the vision of the company are fulfilled; in addition to keeping external agents informed about the participation of the company, its goals and achievements, as well as the management of the organization and human resources. As a leader he advises the board of directors, motivates employees, and as a manager he presides over the company's operations over time with the company.
This position has existed for years exclusively in Anglo-Saxon companies and that as a result of globalization has ceased to be an exclusive term for US companies, to become part of other cultures as well; being at present a common and current term for all, that is applied more frequently in organizations of technological profile. For example Steve Jobs is recognized as a CEO by being responsible for the launch of innovative and successful products of the Apple company.
It is important to note that in most small companies, they do not use the figure of the CEO, since both the presidency and the executive direction fall on the same person, that is, on the president of the company, the position of CEO is of sum importance due to the activities under its responsibility, having a strong presence in multinational and large companies.
The person who occupies the position of CEO in a company is the one who is paid the most and those who wish to occupy this position must have a strong leadership profile, combined with a bit of humanity, in order to achieve good chemistry with employees.