The concept comes from the Latin circumstantia. For example: "That the team is in last place is just a circumstance, since the tournament has just started." This word is defined as a coincidence, eventuality or a conjuncture of a place, place, time, certain way that is linked with some basis or element of some event or saying. Condition, limitation, clause or quality. (In law) it is a legal cause to increase the degree of criminal responsibility of the accused called aggravating circumstance.
A circumstance can also be classified into different categories. For example, there are the circumstances of time that refer to the temporal context in which something has happened or in which a person was born. In the same way, a circumstance of place shows the geographical context in which an event or person is found.
Circumstances can be too, in that case they provide some concrete details. For example, that it rains or that snow is a road circumstance.
In our daily life, it is inevitable to adapt to the different circumstances that make up our existence, since the percentage of situations that we can control is insignificant: our health, temperature and weather conditions, traffic accidents, armed robberies and violence. The integrity of the buildings we visit are matters beyond our control. We must learn to live with potential problems in order to develop in a healthy way.
When speaking of a favorable circumstance, reference is made to something external that positively conditions a situation. The economy of a country can take advantage of a favorable circumstance when it suits the exchange rate of the main currencies, the customs regulations in force and the needs of the most important markets.
An unfavorable circumstance, on the other hand, presents a negative scenario, which offers certain complications. A soccer team that must compete in the midst of conflicts with leaders, lack of payment of salaries and problems with supporters is an example of this case.