A journalistic column is a report that is presented in print media, its name corresponds to the classic column, and it is presented in the central media pages such as printed newspapers and, currently, in online newspapers.
The notion of a newspaper column is used to refer to an opinion piece. The journalist who is responsible for making the column is known as a columnist. For example: “Igor Roskztkov is the author of the most widely read newspaper column in Russia”, “Juan worked as an editor in the Sports section, but is now a columnist and his articles appear on the front page of the newspaper”.
The column is a genre of journalism used when someone wants to express their point of view on a particular topic. The usual thing is that the graphic media have columnists who are dedicated to writing about certain topics and matters of general interest.
Before the genre did not have much prestige; However, the proliferation of writers who have devoted themselves in recent years to publishing articles of this nature has changed the vision of journalistic columns. Such is the case that many writers and intellectuals work as columnists, both in newspapers and in general interest magazines.
Among the media, the written press is one of the best known. In the daily press there are several fixed sections: local, national and international news, reports… One of the most literary sections is the journalistic column. Normally, each newspaper has on its staff some collaborators who periodically write their opinion on some current topics. These writes are called columns because the format in which they are presented is framed in a column. Writers who contribute to newspapers are known as columnists. The duration of the writing is generally short and of notable literary value. In this type of section, the news is not delivered with a rigorous and precise value.
The main idea of the journalistic column is the reflection on some aspect of the present. As a literary genre, the column allows the full freedom of the writer, since it is not subject to the conditions of the news. Typically a very concise and eye-catching title is used to pique the reader's interest. The thematic approaches of the column can be multiple, although there are two general tendencies: dealing with general or more specialized topics. In the latter case, we would be mentioning the authors who write about a specific topic or aspect: sports, bullfights, fashion.
The traditional section of the journalistic column currently has a variant within the new technologies. This is what happens with blogs, in which an author (with more or less fame) writes with a format very similar to the traditional column.
News columns can be classified into:
Author columns: they are identified with the name of the journalist who writes them and their photos and denote their opinion on a particular topic.
Topic columns: generally found in journalistic media in which several authors write on the same topic. The opinion presented can be diverse to offer some variety to the reader.