The common denominator is that number that is common in two or more fractions. This facilitates operations between fractions. The notion of least common denominator, on the other hand, refers to the result of calculating the lowest common multiple of the fractions with a different denominator.
The common denominator just means that the denominators of two (or more) fractions are common, that is, the same. The common denominator is used to add and subtract fractions with distinction of denominator, since in that case, the denominators of all of them must be equal.
In order for all the denominators to be equal, it is necessary to obtain a common denominator in all the fractions. A distinction must be made between the common denominator and the lowest common denominator.
The common denominator must be any multiple of the denominators and also, as its name suggests, it must be common to all denominators.
This has to be a common multiple of the denominators, since the fractions need to be equal and with any denominator, the numerator will become a decimal number, which would complicate the fraction a bit and what you want is to do the most easy possible.
The least common denominator is the least common multiple of all the denominators and is obtained by calculating the least common multiple of the denominators.
If the fractions that are added have different numbers in their denominator, the procedure is more difficult and what must be done is to obtain a common denominator, also known as the least common multiple or with its acronym mcm.To do this, you must follow the following procedure: the denominators are divided by the smallest prime number that gives an exact division and the number obtained is m. do. meter. In other words, an operation with fractions with a denominator other than the least common multiple (LCM) is the smallest of its common multiples.
The reduction of various fractions with different denominators equivalent fraction with a common denominator is a basic operation in the mathematical learning. In this sense, this mathematical concept is translated into ordinary language and the common denominator is spoken between different things or aspects. This means that different realities share similar things and what they share becomes their common denominator.