
What is conclusion? »Its definition and meaning


According to its etymology conclusion comes from the Latin “conclusĭo”, “conclusiōnis” and this derives from the Greek “ἐπίλογος”; “Conclusĭo” is formed from “conclus” from the verb “concludere” which means “close” or “conclude” plus the suffix “ion”. The rae defines it as "action and effect of concluding", in addition to various meanings. The most common use of this word is to designate the end or the end of something in particular, especially if it is something that an individual carries out or elaborates. It is often used in academic and research papers as a final preposition, where it is arrived at after an examination of the evidence, precepts, discussions or the hypotheses raised at the beginning.; The personal conclusion must be about the results obtained in said investigation, it must be generally brief, referring to each of the points raised; all this in order to be able to correctly understand the research and for the reader to make a mental image of what was studied.

A conclusion in an investigative work should not be a summary, where parts of what has already been expressed are quoted verbatim, but rather a logical and also relevant deduction about the data that was exposed before, in order to show the result of the investigation. This is why the rae expresses another meaning, in the philosophical environment about conclusion, such as the preposition that is sought to prove and that derives from the premises. In literature, conclusion is the denouement or ending of a story, that is, it is one of the central parts of a writing, work or book that appears after the introduction and the core of the problem.

Finally, in law, conclusion is the affirmations that are numbered and that are in a writing of criminal qualification.