The word cone refers to a dense geometric and / or three-dimensional body, formed or constituted by two surfaces, the base, which is flat and round and another that is curved called the lateral surface, which is a right triangle and this body or object is formed by turning or turning a flat figure around one of its legs and the cone is exposed as a body of revolution.
The cone has a series of characteristics and elements that we will explain below. First we have the axis, which is the immobile leg on which the triangle rotates; then there is the base, it is the circle formed by turning the leg, another element, the generatrix, this is the hypotenuse of the right triangle in its different positions; the height which is the distance or separation between the base and the vertex; on the other hand, there is the truncated cone, which is the solid or geometric matter that arises when cutting a cone with a plane, it is straight and the cut is perpendicular to the axis, the bases are parallel and the new base, called the minor base, is a circle.
The word cone has other meanings, such as, for example, it is given to a mountain, elevation or group of ash, lava, among others, in the shape of a cone, which is formed around a crater or opening. It is also called a cone to the cell of the retina of vertebrates that receives light and allows or enables the vision of colors. C ono is also a marine mollusk, its shell is cone-shaped with many colors, this mollusk has the characteristic of injecting a powerful poison to its victims and feeds on small fish and other invertebrates.