Constant, is a term used in mathematics constantly, its application is found in almost all matters of calculation and numbers that exist, it is therefore a fixed value, a pre-established value that defines a magnitude, size or proportion. A constant as its etymology indicates, is a value that remains in the same quantity or number permanently. If a variable is given a constant value instead of a function, this will only serve to represent its real meaning and, in an eventual case, be substituted to solve a problem through the use of formulas and connections.
In subjects such as physics and chemistry, constants are of great importance, their use is essential for problem solving, there are hundreds of constant values that serve as reference and support when developing alternative solutions to exercises, constants such as gravity, the pH of a solution, area and volume constants are the most used by engineering students and other careers.
An arbitrary constant is a constant that is set piecemeal, by own selection, that is, without following a specific criterion. The constant of integration is a symbol that at the end of the integration process is added to the total response, it is generally represented by the letter C or K, if the integral is defined, by means of the fundamental theorem of calculus the value of the constant.
In another vein, the concept of constant implies its most direct and proportional derivation from the word " Constancy " which means firmness and perseverance in resolving conflicts and goals. To be constant in a purpose is not to abandon it until it is fulfilled, the constancy of a person in an established work implies a commitment. There are actions in which being constant is the main tool to achieve a good result, in the kitchen for example, foods that need a constant mixture over the fire so that they can reach the point they should like pastry cream, which if it is not constant movement will remain as cement.