Pollution is the introduction into any medium of a pollutant (foreign substance or form of energy), with the potential to vary the proportion of its constituents, create nuisances or cause harmful effects, irreversible or not, in the initial environment.
Environmental pollution is any modification of the environment, produced naturally or artificially, that negatively alters its balance.
Although great ecological disasters can naturally occur, the domestic and economic activities of the human being constitute the most important cause of environmental deterioration, causing adverse ecological effects, such as the deterioration of flora and fauna, destruction of forests, the alteration of chains food, biogeochemical cycles and the characteristics of the soil, air, lakes, rivers and seas.
Among the human activities harmful to the environment are mining, industrial, agricultural, grazing and construction activities, all of which mainly alter the air, waters and soils. In addition to neglected tourism, the use of arable land for other purposes and the accumulation of garbage that can destroy the balance of ecosystems
The progression of pollution brings various consequences to the environment, such as the reduction of the water available for the consumption of living beings, transmission of diseases by contaminated water (cholera, malaria, hepatitis, etc.), the gradual disappearance of the ozone layer, global warming, the greenhouse effect, acid rain, increased respiratory or eye diseases, loss of soil fertility, lack of concentration at work or school, headaches and insomnia (noise pollution), among others.
Actions are currently being applied to prevent damage to the environment such as the use of alternative energy sources (solar energy, energy from moving water, wind energy and geothermal energy), as well as reforestation policies, the establishment of recycling techniques, but above all and most importantly, awareness and education of the population, this would be the most effective defense.