
What is collusion? »Its definition and meaning


A conspiracy is a secret plan to achieve some goal. Its members are known as conspirators. Originally it meant the pre-formed conclusion of the theory that an event or phenomenon was the result of the conspiracy; However, from the mid-1960s onwards, it is often used to denote speculations of ridiculous, wrong, paranoid, unfounded, outlandish, or irrational theories.

One of the worst things about conspiracy theories is the fact that they are almost hermetic. Every discrediting or evidence against him will be viewed as an attempt to "misinform the public," and the lack of evidence to do so is considered a government cover-up.

The flood of conspiracy theories gives rise to possibly rational conspiracy theories that get lost amid the noise of novel but false ideas such as the new world order or the moon landing hoax.

Not everyone involved in a conspiracy necessarily knows all the details; In fact, sometimes they don't.

For all the cranks that scream about bread and circuses, pervasive conspiratorial thinking threatens to become not only a means of winning political office, but also a way to rule through a truly misdirected public attention.

It was originally a neutral term and only acquired a pejorative connotation in the mid-1960s, implying that the advocate of the theory has a paranoid tendency to imagine the influence of someone powerful.

In general terms, the conspiracy is a relationship between two or more people that may have some force or illegality, be unofficial or not be legitimately recognized. Therefore, it is used especially when there are for example extramarital affairs or unofficial unions of people who have not married or who maintain the link outside their marriages. It is with this sense that the term connivance gains a certain sense of negativity to designate or mark a particular type of human relationship.

The word conspiracy comes from the Latin contubernium and means alliance or pact with some illegitimate purpose. Therefore, if it is claimed that there is a conspiracy against someone, it indicates that certain people have joined forces to harm another. It should be noted that this is not an alliance in the good sense of the term, but a clearly negative goal.