
What is postal mail? »Its definition and meaning


Postal mail are shipments that contain any object, product or material, with or without commercial value, whose circulation through the postal network is not prohibited and any shipment that contains direct mail, letters, books, catalogs, periodicals, complies with the Remaining requirements established in the Postal Services Regulation for admission under this modality. When these shipments contain objects of a personal nature, this circumstance must be expressly mentioned on their cover.

Postal mail is less immediate than email, and yet there are many people who believe that waiting for a letter is a very positive emotional experience. Love letters have been the subject of poetic inspiration. This form of communication is present in the cinema in successful films such as La casa del lago.

The postal service transports postcards, written letters and also packages all over the world. There are also different types of shipping that have a higher or lower cost. For example, express or certified mail service costs more than normal shipping. In the case of express mail, the letter reaches its destination in less time.

Today, many official bank documents are still sent by post. In the same way, many older people who have not made the leap to new technologies decide to keep in touch with their friends through postal mail and a correspondence is created. Other people are also in the habit of sending postcards from their vacation destination to their friends and loved ones as a souvenir of that trip.

The most romantic also maintain their habit of writing love letters on special dates such as Valentine's or Wedding Anniversary, depositing these messages in the mailbox that cause surprise in the recipient of the letter.

The PO box is a system provided by post offices, and consists of renting a section or box with a number that allows the user to deposit and store their correspondence. Its main advantage over the traditional system is the protection of identity, very useful in many cases.

The disappearance of letters and postcards, to be replaced by their digital alternatives, and it is far from representing a certain change, because many years ago the sending of a handwritten note, with imperfections, with tears, kisses, drawings, scribbles and all kinds of personal adornments that maintain a living bond spontaneously, but less on a daily basis.