
What is custom? »Its definition and meaning


A Custom is a characteristic of society, in general, it is an event or a repetitive situation, making the continuity of this a tradition or custom. A custom is generally given by the characteristics of the culture of the social environment that manages it. There are long-term customs, such as the patron saint festivities, which are events in which the city or town come together in a great celebration to commemorate some national date or the birth of a renowned person. "It is customary in my town to decorate the parks and streets with lights and a large Christmas tree, sing Christmas carols and go for walks during the Christmas season.

Large-scale customs like the example mentioned above, are traditions with cultural force, which are protected by the different organisms that are assigned the task of preserving them. The population, for its part, prepares and participates in them as a symbol of acceptance and devotion to them, it is very important for a social or ethnic group to take care of and keep customs alive, since the identity of the peoples is based precisely on these.

The characteristics of the human being are also customs, small actions that mark a distinction and that because they are repetitive are taken as customs " gestures, tricks, manias ". Having a glass of milk before going to bed, reading a book on a Sunday afternoon, resting with the television on, showering with hot water, are individual customs, which not everyone shares, as they are part of each one's personality.

Customs such as popular festivals, are passed from generation to generation, being briefly altered by the evolution of society and by advances in technology, are based as part of the population and they by "Custom" retake them every year or in the time that corresponds, according to the ancestors did. Individual customs tend to pass through heredity, when a child spends too much time with his father, and he tends to straighten his hair frequently, this will take it as an idiom and so on from time to time.