
What is cota? »Its definition and meaning


Is the number that maps serves to indicate the height of a point on the level of the sea or on another plane of level. On the other hand, the aforementioned height of a point above sea level or any other level plane is called elevation.

Also, when you want to refer to the importance, the value of something is referred to as a level. His speech has had an unexpected height. On the other hand, the dimension line is called that line that is used in the representation of planes in technical drawingand that has the mission of determining the measurements of the pieces represented in a plane. Meanwhile, the elements that make up a dimension line are the following: line parallel to the surface of the measurement object; Symbols that indicate the beginning and end of a dimension are placed at the ends; the dimension figure above the dimension line, the numerical value of the length of the dimension is assigned, likewise, the minimum and maximum tolerances and auxiliary dimension lines can be set, these are those perpendicular lines to dimension and that they will delimit the dimension lines. According to what is established, these lines must protrude from the dimension lines by approximately 2 mm.

This term was also used to refer to the clothing that the kings used in their public actions or to body protection made with leather and iron.

This was armor made up of iron or steel rings that interlock in a pattern. The origin of these chain mail, also called jacerine levels, is found in the Celtic peoples, who began to manufacture them in the 5th century BC.

Si, en cambio, cota deriva del latín quota, puede hacer referencia a una cuota (una parte proporcional o una cantidad que debe pagarse), a un nivel o a una altura. Por ejemplo: “Se espera que, durante el fin de semana, la cota de nieve descienda hasta los 300 metros de altitud”, “La cota de la represa deberá aumentar para que los vecinos no sufran problemas en el abastecimiento de agua”, “El Banco Central analiza modificar la cota de la divisa”.