The rubik's cube is a traditional mechanical puzzle that consists of a six-sided cube, each of its six faces is covered by nine stickers that are pieces of plastic paper with six colors that are white, red, blue, orange, green and yellow, these colors can vary because each of their central pieces show a single-colored face, twelve edge pieces, which is the line segment where two colored faces meet, and eight vertical pieces, which is the point where three meet colored faces, there is also a special version for color blind people which is a defect that consists of not distinguishingcolors of the four faces.
Inside the cube there is a Pentium which is a range of architectural microprocessors developed by Intel, but it is also in charge of assembling the pieces and avoiding possible crashes of the system.
This puzzle was created by the Hungarian sculptor and professor of architecture Erno Rubik in 1974, it is originally called as "magic cube" and was sold by Ideal Toy Corp in 1980, it won the German award for the best game of the year in the gallery of the best puzzle.
The rubik's cube is an axis mechanism that allows each of its faces to rotate independently, mixing the colors, to solve the puzzle, each of its faces must be composed of a single color.
The cube comes with a system of pulleys, counter shafts and crabs that assigns great flexibility or capacity when making movements, with the possibility of turning all its faces in any position or angle.