From the Latin “decrētum” the entry decree is originated, which means decision, order or official sentence; “Decretum” comes from the neutral form of the participle of the voice “decernere”, lexically composed by the prefix “de” that indicates direction up and down, plus the verb “cernere” that means “distinguish” a verb that comes from a Indo-European root. Decree can be defined as the decision or resolution of a president or head of state, court, judge or other type of authority, which communicates about any matter, matter or business. This decision generally applies to political and governmental characters. That is to say, in a general sense it is that rule dictated by a certain authority figure, with a particular purpose. NotablyA decree can also refer to everything that the Pope orders before a consultation with the cardinals.
Many times when talking about a decree, it refers to an administrative act directed by the Executive Power, with a normative regulatory issue and a hierarchy lower than the laws. There are types of decrees such as the royal decree, which is one that is approved by the Council of Ministers and is signed by the king of that nation. On the other hand, there is the decree law, which is the determination made by the government in certain circumstances or occasions.
In ancient times, the so-called “subscription decree” arose , which was sent to the treasurers in order that the items paid according to the king's orders were admitted into their accounts. Next, when speaking of the "Graciano Decree", which is written with an initial capital letter, also known by the name of "Concordance of the Disagreements of the Canons" or "Harmony of the Discordant Canons", allusion is made to the writing or book of Canon Law compiled by the Camaldolese jurist monk and professor of Theology of Bologna, Graciano or Franciscus Gracianus.