
Definition »what it is and definition

Table of contents:


The definition of "definition" refers to the proposition or group of them through which it is sought to express in a unique and precise way a term, concept or diction and in the case that it has more than two words, a phrase or an expression. The concept of definition refers to determining, orally or in writing, precisely and clearly, the most important characteristics of the subject matter.

What is a definition

It can then be said that the concept of definition is the description of a complicated state of elements or objects, abstractions or circumstances that remain together, after determining a zone of validity.

Table of Contents

Seen logically, the definition of definition indicates that if it is correctly formed, it should serve as a delimitation or conceptual determination of what is really important in an element, which does not necessarily imply an empirical verification. It is also, like proof and division, one of the basic processes of science. In the same way, in the field of logic we can find various types of definition, the nominal, real, descriptive, essential, causal definition.

  • The essential definition consists in saying or expressing the permanent and invariable of reality through the definition of the area where its class and the different specifications are formulated.
  • Causal definition is when a thing is defined, not in itself, but because of its cause. This is why there are different types of cause that implies that it is possible to differentiate between causal and material, efficient or final definitions.
  • The descriptive definition is the one that is close to the permanent and invariable but without reaching it and is the indication of one or more properties that belongs to a thing, this is the one most used by the natural sciences.

Elements of a definition

If the classical Aristotelian doctrine is taken into account, a definition must have a series of mandatory elements, which are mentioned below.


It is about the class to which the idea, object or living being of which the definition is referred is part.

Specific differentiation

It is about the set of specific characteristics present in the object to be defined, such as, for example, when defining a cell phone it can be said that it is a communication instrument that is made up of a series of electronic components, such as the processor, RAM memory, camera, microphone, antenna, etc.: in this example, it can be said that “communication instrument” is the genre, while the second part would be the description of the components that comprise it.

The main rules for creating a definition are:

  • It should be as close as possible to its species and genus typification.
  • The characteristics that are inherent to it must be described precisely.

Difference between definition and concept

In general, most people tend to consider the concept and the definition as similar terms, however they are in a big mistake, since both have two different meanings. Below are a number of differences with which you can understand a little better what a definition and a concept is.

  • A concept refers to an opinion or value judgment regarding a specific situation or a specific object. For its part, the definition is the precise and exact knowledge that exists regarding a specific thing.
  • A concept can present different interpretations, this will depend on the author or the individual who is describing it. The definition, on the other hand, has a single description, which is exact, precise and also verified.
  • The concept is the way in which the person perceives a thing, object or idea and the definition is the generalized knowledge of that idea, thing or object.
  • The concepts originate through a construction process in the brain of each individual, which encompasses knowledge, ideas and experiences, meanwhile the definition is formed from facts that are corroborated or require a more precise idea.
  • The concept expresses the qualities that an object or thing possesses, this from a particular point of view, while the definition expresses the most important characteristics of an object, thing or idea.

Fundamental aspects of a definition


The concept definition indicates that this is the element of greatest importance not only for a definition, but for human knowledge in general, since it is considered the elementary unit of mental constructions through which things are understood. In general, the constructions of the mind are created by grouping into categories, both the experiences and the knowledge acquired and stored in the brain.

An important point in the definition of the concept is the fact that it is seen as a cognitive unit of the meaning of things. It should be noted that the formation of the concept is related to the context of the experience of the reality of each person, the culture of society, among others, having a particular importance the reference to language, especially to one's own language, and that through it knowledge enables the acquisition of oral experience, and therefore transmit it to others.

Because the experience is something specific to an individual and, therefore, subjective, incomparable and unrepeatable, all the elements attached to memory, both from personal experiences and from culture, society, and above all from one's own language, are elements that interpret concrete experience and decisively influence the conceptualization process.

Authentic and unrepeatable things could not be defined from premises, using the mind's ability to assimilate them. In this case, the brain will have to go to the emotions, feelings and sensations to place a label, in order to be able to refer unequivocally to the perfect combination of sensations and emotions that activate the curiosity to conceptualize something specific. Imagination is the psychic faculty, of the mind, that makes present the images of real or unreal things.

It is also said that it is the apprehension or judgment that does not exist in reality. All these aspects are fundamental when it comes to understanding the definition of the concept


It should be noted that not all information is reliable, especially that which is disseminated through the internet, this is because usually when searching the web, the user requires a quick response and generally they are guided by the position of the result or simply intuition.

However, there are a series of characteristics that a definition must meet in order for it to be valid, the first is that the source used to define it is reliable, independent and published, likewise the source must directly support the information, as well They must also have a good reputation and must be available to the public.

Here are some features that allow you to check the validity of a definition and at the same time, better understand what a definition is.

As for the author, it is important that he is assigned to the author of the work, in the same way it is important that there is information regarding said author, be it his professional career, achievements, work, etc. If it is possible to locate some means of contact with the author, such as mail, in the case of a website, it is important that it has a clear definition of principles and purpose, finally, said definition must be externally evaluated to be approved.

Regarding updates, you must have the date of publication of the content, date of possible updates and the content must be up to date, it must not have incorrect or obsolete links.

Regarding the content, it must be precise, pertinent and be written objectively.

Understanding the definition

It is important that for it to be understood clearly, it is necessary that the information be organized, while reducing the amount of it, generally what is done is creating a kind of summary, since in that way Comprehension of the text in general is also checked, also offering a means of identifying the processes that the reader executes.

Regarding content compression, authors such as Van Dijk have indicated that the simplest way to organize and reduce information is through omission (of irrelevant or unnecessary content), generalization (encompass the most important) and construction (elaborate a more precise, short and understandable content). Said author offered a model with which it is possible to locate the processes carried out by the authors regarding the gathering of information.

  • Omission and suspension: makes it possible to discard the less important details, list the ideas that exist and then create a hierarchy of the most important.
  • Elaboration: many times the information is not found explicitly, therefore a proposition is created that takes the place of the generalized sequence.
  • Generalize: a proposition is created that encompasses the present concepts, that is to say that said proposition is created and a hyperonymy relationship is also manifested. Readers can sometimes express the definition by means of a word.

It is important to clarify that a mandatory scheme should not be established to define when each of these rules are used, since each person will apply them differently, which will depend on the interest of each person, the knowledge they have, as well as also the values ​​and norms. Through its application, the text can be reproduced, but not from a similar copy, but rather it arises from the elaborate representation that transforms a group of propositions into macropropositions.

Definition description

Describing is explaining, in a detailed and orderly way, what people, animals, places, objects, etc. are like. The description serves above all to set the scene and create one that makes the events that are narrated more credible. Many times, they help stop the action and set the stage for the events that follow.

The description can also be defined as the verbal representation of the characteristics of an object. When detailing an individual, an animal, a feeling, etc., those particularities are manifested that make what is described special, and distinguishes it from other objects of the same or any other class.

The division

In the concept of definition and its most important aspects, division stands out, defined as a logical process through which the extension of the definition in question is manifested. The main objective of the division is to offer a systematic view of the types of elements that are generalized in a concept. This procedure is carried out taking into account certain features that are known as the basis of division.

Said base must be chosen in accordance with its objective. Since for example, the extension of the definition of "geometric figures" according to the shape, can be divided into different types, such as the triangle, rectangle, square, etc. The division can in turn be divided into two main types:

Dichotomous division

In this, the content expansion is segmented into two parts, the first is the objects that are cataloged as the base, and the second is the remaining objects. This procedure is applied in those cases where the expansion of the object requires the delimitation of certain elements with features, while the rest of the objects do not have great interest.

Division by changes of a trait

In this case, all its variants of objects are listed that are distinguished according to the character of their trait, the is used as the basis of the division.

The demonstration

Within the definition of definition it is important to mention that the demonstration is the verification of said definition, that is to say that from it, compliance and veracity of it can be verified, which must be taken into account when knowing what which is a definition. This allows reasoning to be used to verify that the truth of the content is fulfilled, whether it refers to a thing, objective or person.

Attitude is denoted as feeling and intentionality about a person related to the way of seeing someone or something such as friendship, wisdom, respect and loyalty.

To know what a definition is, it is important to know the elements that compose it. In this case, the demonstration works as a kind of teaching in some practices, either through the explanation or the pointing out of functions and characteristics when doing a thing, by corroborating the abilities of an individual or a thing in front of one or more people who they are in a certain place, thereby giving a certain sense of explicit emphasis on the qualities that stand out above the rest.

How to make a definition

Next, the step by step of how to build a definition in an optimal way will be given, in order to learn to define an animal, person or thing. This can be accomplished by simply following the following five steps:

1. The first thing to do is know what you want to define? This step is known as abstraction.

2. The second step is to know how to make a definition is how is it that you will define? To analyze its characteristics, it is not relevant to know if it is something abstract, since even the most abstract ideas have characteristics. You should start with things that are real, in this way it will be easier to define.

3. Everything around us, even people belong to a larger group, that is why we must take into account what category does what we want to define belong to? . Example: man is part of the category "human beings" and in the case of a cat they are part of "domestic animals". This is known as close genus, which is extremely important to be clear about in order to understand how to make a definition.

4. The fourth thing is to know what makes what you want to define unique? , analyze that quality that differentiates what you want to define. That characteristic that makes it unique, even though it is part of a larger group.

5. Finally, the information should be arranged in a paragraph in a brief, objective and clear way. In the first instance, the name of the topic to be defined is written, then the definition is written. It is ordered as follows: the next gender comes first, followed by its specific difference.

Definition types

There are several types of definition:

Definition of lexicology

This type of definition is made with a universal language, which means that it must be as simple as possible in order to reach the widest possible audience. It must be borne in mind that a lexical definition is practically descriptive and not prescriptive. The lexicological definitions are usually inclusive, pretending to capture everything associated with the word, so it constantly ends up being too vague for many ideas. For example: the words defined in dictionaries are direct and concrete meanings aimed at understanding an entire language.

Intentional definition

It is a definition that only provides all the settings that an object needs to enter within the defined term area.

Extensive or extensional definition

Provide the meaning of a word by listing everything that goes into the definition. For example: a definition of science would be a list of all the sciences that exist.

Ostensive definition

Define a word indicating examples of what is defined. It is used when descriptive terms are difficult to find, or when it is done for children. For example: an ostensive definition of "blue" would point to or refer to the sky, blue roses or blue balls.

Children grasp the teaching of their language largely ostensibly. These kinds of definitions are often vague, and not very helpful when the general gist of the defined word is not known.

Stipulative Definition

It is a kind of definition in which the word already pre-exists, it is given a new meaning for the propensity of a new discussion or argument in a given situation.

For example: if we want the definition of "right to education" we would understand that everyone, regardless of age, has that right. In summary, it is as if it will be commented "for this subject in question we stipulate that…" many guarantors of belligerent or controversial opinions handle stipulated definitions to relate emotional connotations, or of any other type to the meaning that one would like to have in said definition.

Operational Definition

These kinds of operational definitions are characteristically useful in quantum mechanics, statistical physics, or relativity. An operational description of a number must be made referring to the specific system by which its measurement is achieved. In the definition of physics it is related to mass, temperature, time or other quantities. For example: an operational meaning may be required to define the concept "mental weakness", "intelligent", for them it is necessary to go to the IQ figures.

Negative Definition

It is the one that establishes what is not a precise thing. For example: in a definition of ethics, behavior is different in every human being.

Circular definition

It is the one that absorbs an analysis prior to the term that is defined. For example, the definition of philosophy is seen as the study of knowledge and morals, and then “knowledge and morals” could be defined as branches that come from philosophy.

Theoretical definition

A theoretical definition supplies the meaning of a word in the conditions of the theories of an established discipline. This kind of definition captures the acceptance and knowledge of the theory on which it depends. These definitions are common in the scientific field, where theories tend to be very definite and the results tend to be more accepted as correct. For example, the definition of colors through the wavelengths shown by objects, the wave system of light is presumed.

In these cases the definitions are difficult to be contradicted by any other that is based on another theory. Despite the fact that in areas such as the social sciences and philosophy the theoretical definitions of a term are constantly contradicting each other. For example: the concept of "dialect" varies depending on whether it is conceptual from a philosophical or anthropological point of view.

The definition of culture is different if it is assumed from the theory of beliefs and customs of people, or if it is taken from the evolved theory of the human capacity to classify and represent experiences with symbols and act in a creative and imaginative way.

Persuasive Definition

It is a conception that tries to be an argument that favors a certain position. In itself, when a meaning is accepted as persuasive it ceases to be appreciated as legitimate, and is usually considered as fallacious. For example: a definition of abortion, the side that supports life may define the term abortion as "an unscrupulous murder of an innocent human being", while the side that supports abortion wants to define it as a "safe medical procedure to rid the woman of an unwanted pregnancy ”.

Definition by Gender and Difference

It is a kind of intensive definition in which the genus to which the idea or thing belongs is first conceptualized and then the differences of the “species” are highlighted, defined in relation to others of the same genus. Although it seems to be limited to taxonomy, it is actually realized in many meanings of everyday life. For example, “ferry”: it is a two-point boat, on one side it has to transport people and another for vehicles. First it is specified that it belongs to the type of boat and later, allusion is made to the characteristics of the ferries.

Precise Definition

They are the ones used in scenarios where the ambiguity of a lexical definition will be a problem. For example: many legal concepts are precise definitions, as are company policies. A lexical definition of "student" can be "individual who studies." However, if “a zoo offers discounts to students”, even more restrictive and precise criteria are required in this definition, which could be something like “young people under 18 years of age enrolled in a private or public school”.

Definitions of science

Set of verifiable knowledge that helps to understand nature and all the phenomena that occur in it. The most important definitions of the subject explain its method and technology.


Power supply





Original text

Definitions of economics

It is the study of the production, distribution, exchange and consumption of goods and services that man needs. Determining definitions to learn to manage resources and understand their principles.







Definitions of education

It encompasses the basic elements of the environment and is considered a pillar for the formation of knowledge. Their definitions address the main issues in terms of communication and methods.







Definitions of humanities

It groups together all aspects related to humanity, the interaction between human beings and their way of behaving, such as religion, society, history, art and politics.





Indigenous distribution
