The term depression, etymologically comes from the Latin "depressĭo", and in turn from the word "depressus" which means "knocked down", various sources state that the word is composed of the prefix "de" which means "decay or deprivation from above. down ”, plus the verb“ premere ”which means“ to press ”. According to the Royal Spanish Academy, it defines the word depression as the action and effect of depressing or becoming depressed. But it is not the only meaning of the word, since it has several uses, another of them is given to the sinking, crumbling or collapse of a surface, land or extension as such.
Breaking down the term in psychology, depression is called the emotional and mental disorder, which causes an individual to feel sad and distressed, and thus suffering from inner discomfort, which in turn makes it difficult for him to interact with the other individuals around him. In other words, it is the psychic state experienced by a subject characterized by considerable sadness, grief, grief, among other emotions, for no apparent reason, which leads to a mental decline and total loss of interest in everything. Other symptoms of depression are anxiety, insomnia, thought disturbances, behavior disturbances, changes in appetite and weight, suicidal thoughtsetc. This disorder can become chronic or recurrent, making it difficult for the individual to perform, whether at work, school, or any other area in which it operates; in the most serious case it can lead to suicide. If it is mild, this disorder can be treated without the need for medication, but being moderate or severe in nature, a series of medications and professional psychotherapy may be needed for its treatment.
Finally, the term depression is related to the period of low economic activity, which is characterized by massive unemployment, decreasing use of resources, deflation, and low level of investment.