A Description is to give detailed information about the way in which we perceive something, but doing it in a Subjective way means that a personal touch is being added to that given information, it is seeing and expressing something in our own way, applying the senses that we have in such a way. individual and particular. Through this "tool", the editor or columnist of a newspaper can convey their way of thinking, even making those who read it share this opinion previously reserved or generated by a few. Subjective Description is a turning point in the general opinion of a certain topic.
The subjective description is commonly used to express feelings about how they sensed something different situations, ie, in this kind of description does not always truth as others see it is rather like telling a personal story and expressing feelings is said individual. No lies are told, it is only that the reality told indicates the effects it produces on the mood of the person who describes subjectively, that is why the subjective description is usually used and appreciated by the writers of literary books where fantasy and fiction are the protagonists and these writers fill their rating pagesown to convey to your readers emotions and affection towards what they read.
The opinions of a writer are very useful in the fields of social studies, politics, religion and economics, in which it is necessary to observe a behavior that fluctuates and generates changes in life. The subjective description values, interprets in a personal way the criteria with which an idea is originally founded.