Desire is understood as the action and the effect of desiring, the word desire comes from the Latin “desidĭum”. This word is attributed to the enormous feeling that a person has to achieve a certain goal; or the aspiration, hope or longing that originates in an individual and that has an origin and an end, to satisfy a taste. On the other hand, the term desire is applied to impulse or excitement, carnal or sexual; that is, the desire to have sex with one or another person.
These desires of a person are related to the values, priorities, and the personality of each individual. In the psychological environment we speak of desire to refer to the motor of the psychic apparatus; that it is that which activates our mind and with it also our behavior; a mind that is composed or constituted by three instances that are the conscious, the preconscious, and the unconscious, which are differentiated by two barriers of censorship exerted by the repression. According to Freud, desire is born from the first encounter between the child and the mother's breast, since it satisfies his desire for the only time, and from there he will want to return to that experience.
Another definition of desire is the one that is given to the strengthening or invigorating movement of the desire or will towards the knowledge, enjoyment or possession of something in particular. Other sources expose meanings such as the aspiration or desire to satisfy a taste that moves our senses; motivated by past experiences or for any other reason, or due to some animate or inanimate object. Desire is closely related to human nature, and is one of the mechanisms that drive human behavior.