
What is desertion? »Its definition and meaning


The term desertion can be applied in different contexts, however the most common uses are in the military field, to refer to a person who abandons his duty as a soldier during times of war, in the same way this word is also applied in the field school to qualify students who drop out due to different causes.

In the military sphere, a deserter can be a soldier of any hierarchy, that is, from a private soldier to a general who, in disobedience to his superior, abandons the functions assigned to him. In the event that the abandonment is presented by a recruit, the term to be used is fugitive. In military law, desertion can be considered a quite serious military crime, especially if it is in times of war, this according to the Code of Military Justice that manages the State where the fact occurs, the soldier in question is taken to what is known as a court martial, court of justice or court martial, where it can carry criminal penalties and evendeath.

The person who commits this crime can choose to be defended by a lawyer before the court, all this is contemplated in International Law, in the Geneva conventions and certain treaties referring to Human Rights, in certain cases defectors can to become pardoned by the Executive Power.

On the other hand, when one speaks of desertion in a context very different from the military one such as the school environment, desertion is a concept that is widely used in Latin American countries to refer to the withdrawal of the student from studies, this can occur after a prolonged time of absence from the educational center, later the individual withdraws permanently from said institution before complying with the minimum period established by the state to graduate and obtain the corresponding degree.

The problem of school dropout is a problem that is latent in the societies of industrialized countries as well as in those that are developing; in the case of industrialized countries, dropout is seen more frequently in post-secondary studies. secondary education, while in Latin America the problem focuses on the levels of secondary education.