Learned hopelessness is one of the terms most used today by the field of psychology, in which it allows the description of the feelings that a person has in front of the completion of a goal, or an achievement on which he is in constant perseverance; generally people who demonstrate “learned hopelessness” as the name implies: it is a loss of hopeIn order to achieve the goal set, people generally look apathetic and fatalistic in the face of the possibility of fulfilling the goal imposed by themselves, they think everything with negativity and are not capable of breastfeeding the situations that make it difficult to end those paths. For the individual, this type of people do not feel that there is a solution to the obstacles that arise, therefore they do not see any conclusion to their problems, nor do they aspire for the lived situation to improve with the making of some decisions, they observe everything heavy and difficult to reach, filling themselves with immense frustration with themselves, becoming the first obstacle they must overcome in order to achieve their goals.
Specifically, the most relevant role for the unleashing of a learned hopelessness is occupied by the experiences that individuals have had with the passing of their days; Life day after day can be endless emotions and joys, days of accomplished achievements and sharing with the beings that fill us with love. However, scenarios can also arise where there is not a single day of happiness, in accordance with oneself or that the goal that was set is never achieved, generally these are the ones that promote that reluctance to continue life, generate that frustration that does not allow observe beyond the barriers that arise and therefore the individual is not capable of achieving any objective determined by himself or by others.
Mainly to cope with this matter, the person must convince himself that his pessimism is only a perception of the situation experienced and not a reality that is being endured, he must develop creativity to find the solution to his problems by focusing on the resources he has to solve it and finally define the strategy that will be used to achieve the goal.