"Devotion" is defined as deep dedication, attachment to a person, an assignment or appropriation for any purpose, often used as a religious or worship practice (a form of prayer or worship); All these definitions apply to the daily time of a religious: they are dedicated to building a relationship with God, attached to God and his word, they assign or give their time to our relationship or worship.
It is said then that said individual is devout when he gives himself totally in body and soul to some cult or religious work; These people have a very great faith about what they are doing, the performance of these rituals become custom for them, within these customs can be mentioned: visits to the church, prayers addressed to a saint or religious entity day and night, delivery of Offerings on a specific date of the year, days where special attention is paid to said spiritual entities, etc.
For the Christian religion and other monotheistic customs, for example pursuing knowledge about devotion for the Almighty, it is reserved for the study of the Bible, either as individuals or as a family.
The origin of this term dates back to ancient Greece, where being a devotee meant infinite love and respect for one's parents for the sole fact of coming from them, or that these are their parents; Being devoted to your family meant acquiring a great commitment to them, where their opinions could not be questioned and they were obliged to take care of them when they were old, shortly after this conceptualization was expanded towards the path of faith.
De acuerdo a todas las descripciones ya expuestas muchas personas indican como devoto de alguien, en las situaciones donde un individuo se somete a los caprichos de otro, donde cumple todos sus deseos, complace sus antojos, entre otras situaciones en las cuales el individuo presente obediencia voluntaria por ese tercero. Ejemplos de frases donde esta palabra se utiliza en este sentido sería: “Ana es devota de sus hijas, siempre les compra lo que quieren”; “Marcos se encuentra en devoción con su novia por el amor que le tiene”, etc.