
What is umlaut? »Its definition and meaning


In the linguistic context, the umlaut represents a diacritical sign, which is represented by two horizontal points that are placed on the affected vowel. In general, the umlaut indicates a special sound that is pronounced over the vowel in question. In the Spanish language, it is very common for the umlaut to be placed over the "u", specifically in the syllables "gui" and "gue" and in the words where the u must be pronounced.

For example, there are words like penguin, which have an umlaut in the "u", since otherwise, the pronunciation would be wrong. In exchange there are words like " war " that lead umlauts since no pronounces the u.

In other dialects, such as French, the umlaut indicates that when there are two vowels together, the second must be pronounced separately, without being mute or without being a diphthong. In the case of the Catalan language, the umlaut is used to indicate that it is necessary to decipher the letter "u" before the "e" in increasing diphthongs or to disrupt a decreasing diphthong. Eg: països or pingüi. In this sense, the umlaut extends beyond the syllables gue or gui.

In the English language, this spelling sign is not used, except in those cases where it is given a linguistic loan from another language.

In medicine, the term umlaut also applies; This is used to refer to a series of surgical methods that allow the segmentation of organic coatings. In this sense, there are different types of diaeresis: the bloody one, for example, is characterized by the shedding of blood that originates when the tissues are cut and the use of main instruments (scalpel, scissors, separators, etc.) is required. In the same way is the supplementary instruments.

To perform an umlaut, it is necessary for the scalpel to be taken in different ways: According to the procedure to be applied. According to the resistance of the coating to be separated. Of the length and type of the incision; among others.

The positions in which the scalpel should be taken in a way that could favor the realization of an adequate diaeresis are:

Take it as a pen, it is done when movements require accuracy.

Take it like a normal knife, when the fabrics are very resistant.

Take it like the bow of a violin, when horizontal incisions of a certain length are executed.