
What is didactics? »Its definition and meaning

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The Teaching is a teaching tool that is applied simultaneously with other teaching methods to ensure maximum performance in the learning process. It is very useful for teachers in studies and breaks with the schemes of conventional education, since it stimulates and reinforces the constant interaction between students and the teacher, thus forging an effective flow of knowledge and, thus, resulting in the acquisition of knowledge in a manner optimal.

What is didactics

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It is a discipline of the scientific-pedagogical type whose main objective is to study the processes and elements that may exist in teaching and learning. Likewise, didactics is responsible for finding the best course when carrying out a pedagogical project, focusing on developing the techniques and teaching methods necessary to achieve a successful result.

Didactics allows the study group and its leader to implement different teaching strategies, to complement the already customary compendium of books, which does not completely guarantee the absorption of knowledge, which is why it is necessary to put into practice interactive activities with which the student associates aspects of daily life and the subject in the study.

Another concept of didactics is inclined towards literature, since its definition here is used as a literary genre whose main objective is the dissemination or teaching of ideas, expressed in an artistic way and making use of a more elaborate language, taking into account the Philosophy resources necessary to better describe art.

The meaning of didactics expresses that it is classified as a tool of great importance in the pedagogical process, therefore, it must have a strategy that allows the development of all skills, so that the best results are obtained in the pedagogical project that is being carried out, for this reason it is important to know what a didactic strategy is and how it should be used.

What is a didactic strategy

It is about planning the pedagogical project for which the teacher must choose certain techniques and activities that will help students better understand and manage the information that is being provided and, in turn, achieve the proposed objectives.

Like any strategy, it is necessary for the teacher to comply with certain important aspects that will allow a successful didactic education to be carried out:

  • The objectives to be achieved must be established, whether within a subject, a project or a specific learning.
  • It is important to know the subject very well, so that the information can be transmitted in an optimal way.
  • The teacher must have prepared in advance all the necessary material for the development of the project or learning.
  • It is of great importance only to emphasize the most important aspects of the information to be transmitted.
  • As part of didactic education, it is very useful to promote the association of practical knowledge with theoretical knowledge.
  • The autonomy or intellectual independence of the student must be promoted so that he is prepared when generating strategies by himself.
  • The teacher must be aware that his role in didactic education is only as a facilitator of learning and his job is to provide strategies and serve as a guide for it to reach his students.
  • As in any learning process, the evaluator, in this case the teacher, must carry out evaluations periodically to be able to verify that the proposed objectives are being achieved and act in time in case of observing problems in the results of their students.

Types of didactics

It is classified into several models depending on the use or learning that you want to do. The most important types of didactics are the following:

General didactics

This model is the most used, since it does not focus on a specific type of teaching, nor the environment in which it is developed, nor does it take into account the subject to whom the information is being provided.

This type of didactics uses principles and techniques that can be used in any type of learning, since it is based on the methods related to values ​​and general norms of educational processes.

General didactics takes education and teaching as a whole, analyzes and studies it, and is responsible for using it to generate learning models. Therefore, general didactics gives teachers the tools they need to be used in any learning project.

Differential didactics

This type of didactics is a little more specific than the previous one, since in order to apply it, certain aspects of the student are taken into consideration, such as age, their general characteristics and the level of competence they have. That is why, when applying general didactics, it must be taken into account that the same information will be used for different types of audiences, so it must be known to apply.

An example would be to apply the theme of the history of a specific country to children, adolescents, the elderly and people with special abilities; the story cannot change, but it must conform to the audience to whom the information will be provided.

Specific didactics or special didactics

The specific didactics or special didactics focuses mainly on the development of different study methodologies for a specific subject or topic and these methods are adapted for each area of ​​teaching.

This type of didactics is used, generally, in more advanced fields of learning, since with the elaboration of specific teaching plans, teaching reaches the learner effectively and the learning process is optimal.

Ordinary didactics

Ordinary didactics is based on the use of more dynamic methods to reach the student, also making use of a more informal language and focusing the learning so that the student learns to use common sense. This type of didactics is usually used in teamwork or group workshops in which, to achieve optimal learning, it is not necessary to delve into a specific topic.

Variable didactics

They are considered trends applied to the different types of didactics and that generally change over time, adding new tools and new teaching methodologies that can be used during the learning process, thus modifying, from the language used during teaching, to more specific changes such as in the elements that are present in the learning process.

Main elements of didactics

Following its meaning as a science that is responsible for improving the learning process, and as all science consists of elements, it is important to know the elements of didactics, that is, the components that are involved throughout the learning process. In the case of didactics, 6 essential elements must be considered that are the best reference to your field of study:


This can be considered the most important element, since it is who receives the education and the reason why the study centers exist.

The objectives

This element is the basis of didactics, since the objectives are the goals that you want to reach through education. Objectives give the teacher a mission and vision of what they want to offer and achieve with students.

The teacher

Considered as the intermediary of the learning process, it is the latter who is responsible for being the source of stimuli to which the student must react to achieve the objectives. His main duty is to understand the student and guide him throughout the teaching.

Programmatic contents

These are the most viable methods that will allow the teacher to reach the stated objectives in an easier or more practical way.

Methods and techniques

They can be understood as the form of teaching used by the teacher to mold the learning process to the student and for the latter to successfully complete the learning process.

Geographical, economic, cultural and social environment

It is essential that the teacher take into account the environment where his study center works when planning the didactic method that fits the area in which he is located and makes the learning process efficient.

Didactic resources

The importance of didactics in education

The history of education has shown that didactic models have always existed. However, the teachings were focused on the body of professors or teachers and on the content that they offered their students, even so the methodological aspects, the study context and especially the students, went to the background in the learning process.

Taking this into account, the question always arises, what is the importance of didactics in education.

It is very important in education, since it breaks with the conventions of the education system in which verbalisms and memorization of content are the basis of teaching.

It seeks to include students in the teaching process, giving them the necessary tools and providing them with the most viable learning methods, with the fixed idea of ​​developing self-training capacities in them.

In addition, it has been found that the use of didactics to teach makes classes more interesting, less boring and the recipients of information are more willing to receive the information. All this due to the incorporation of games, entertainment and debate in the educational curriculum. All members of the study group make a participation, establishing terms of cooperation and help. This is the most social pedagogical method.

Didactics, and the entire group of pedagogical methods in use today for education, have led to an evolution in the system, breaking the basic teaching scheme (Teacher - Student - Books - Exams) to give way to a new way of teaching. life, simpler to understand, with more help and with greater possibilities of understanding the matter a little more.

The direct contact of the people who study with the subject, the teacher and their own opinions is the key to current education, thanks to pedagogy and didactics this has been achieved.

Currently we find three great reference exponents: the normative model (focuses on content), incentive (focuses on the student) and approximate (focused on the construction of knowledge by the student).

These three models strengthen the content, but at the same time constitute a strong empirical base in the student, which will help him to defend himself in situations in which that knowledge acquired at some time helps him to get ahead.

Linking didactics and praxis

Praxis is known as the putting into practice of knowledge, making a theoretical subject physical, so that praxis is closely linked to this discipline, since the knowledge within the didactic methods must be taught in a practical way so that the student feel included and participate in the learning process, this is how praxis becomes the basis of didactics so that it can function and achieve the objectives set.

Objectives of didactics

Its objectives are aimed at optimal teaching and these are the following:

  • Fulfill the purposes on which education is based.
  • Make teaching, and therefore the learning process, more effective.
  • Make use of new knowledge from biology, psychology, sociology and philosophy to make teaching a more consistent and coherent process.
  • Adapt teaching to the age of the student, so that it can help him to develop fully, depending on the effort applied in the learning process.
  • Adjust teaching to the requirements and possibilities of the student.
  • Make school activities show reality to the student, in a way that can help him to perceive the learning process as a whole and not as something that is divided into fragments.
  • Help the planning of the activities that are carried out during the learning process to generate continuous progress, thus achieving the educational objectives are fulfilled.
  • Guide in the organization of the tasks carried out by the students, managing to avoid wasting time and unnecessary efforts.
  • Adapt teaching to reality and the needs of the student.
  • Create a culture of accompaniment from the teacher to the student during the learning process, in order to have control of the teaching and to be able to make timely corrections or recoveries during the application of the didactic method.

Didactic planning of a teacher

In order to achieve an optimal learning process and achieve the expected objectives, it is important that the teacher carry out a planning that provides the guidelines that must be followed throughout the teaching and that will help him to take advantage of and better manage his time and that of his students. In this planning the teacher must take into account the following aspects:

1. Make a monthly plan that should include a review of the study program, a writing of the competition and consider project work.

2. Carry out a classroom planning in which you must specify the following aspects:

  • Grade, subject and unit.
  • The topic.
  • The competition to develop.
  • The activities to be carried out (start, development and closure).
  • Work cross with other subjects.
  • The expected learnings.
  • Teaching resources.
  • Time.
  • Aspects to evaluate.

Elements of didactic planning

It must contain the following elements:


identification of the time it will take to complete the learning.

Expected learning

It is nothing more than the results to which the teacher is focused to achieve by putting into practice the planning created.


Knowledge, skills, values and attitudes that you want to reinforce in students.

Strategies and activities

They are the strategies that are needed to mobilize knowledge.

Didactic recognition

They are the elements that are available for the learning process.


Putting the acquired knowledge into practice by evaluating whether the didactic method worked.

Tips for designing teaching sequences

  • Setting goals.
  • Select the content without neglecting the necessary strategies that ensure the success of the teaching that is being provided.
  • Always ensure that there is progress in learning.
  • Always have an end towards which the teaching is directed.
  • Do not waste the materials that are acquired throughout the learning process.
  • Leave a space for improvisation and the active participation of the student, so that he feels part of the learning process and the teaching reaches the student effectively.

Difference between didactic sequence and didactic situation

The didactic situation and the didactic sequence are closely linked, however they are not the same, since one depends on the other to be able to make learning an optimal process and to successfully reach teaching. The didactic situation can be considered as the topic or the project to be developed, while the didactic sequence is the process or method that will be used to ensure that students receive all the expected knowledge.

Meaning of didactic work

This term is an artistic extension of science in which the author is dedicated to instructing and teaching readers a specific topic, making them participate during the reading of this didactic work, while generating teaching.

Characteristics of the didactic work

All work in this style must have certain characteristics, the main objective of which is to instruct the reader and take him, through reading, through a learning process:

1. It must have a theme to develop, generally political, social and / or religious themes are used.

2. It must contain an ideological structure that in turn must be made up of three parts:

  • Thesis.
  • Antithesis.
  • Synthesis or conclusion.

3. In general, didactic works are written in a melodramatic tone.

4. To make reading more comfortable and light, it is recommended that it contain symbolic or allegorical characters with whom the reader can feel identified.

Frequently Asked Questions about Didactics

What are teaching strategies?

They are organized procedures for specific learning purposes. These strategies are proposed to be used in the long term and their objective is to prepare the materials that will be used for teaching, emphasize the most important aspects of the information to be transmitted and carry out periodic evaluations to corroborate the progress of the students.

What are teaching techniques for?

They serve to facilitate the construction of knowledge through strategies. Some examples are interrogations, simultaneous dialogues, debates, interviews, skits, seminars, mind maps, puzzles, forums, and comparison charts.

What is the teaching material for?

The didactic materials are used to facilitate the teaching of the teachers and the learning of the students, examples of these are, the books, the videos, the photos, the posters, the maps and the analogies.

What are didactic texts?

They are those who are dedicated to imparting knowledge in a clear and concise way. These tend to have different facets, since the same explanation cannot be applied to a child as to a university student. Either way, the didactic texts must follow certain requirements such as brevity, simplicity and clarity.

What are educational games?

They are teaching methods that are used to promote knowledge in a recreational and educational way. These develop social and cognitive skills and at the same time, stimulate attention, memory, self-esteem, creativity and responsibility. Examples of these are memory games, riddles, and word searches.