The dipsomanía refers to the intake of alcohol uncontrollably. Etymologically it comes from the Greek "dipsa" (thirst) and mania (madness). The individual who suffers from dipsomania is constantly consuming alcoholic beverages until he or she gets to the point of getting drunk, and although it may present stages of withdrawal, then relapses again and continues drinking with more intensity. It is worrying, for those who have a family member who suffers from this problem, since dipsomaniacs are the cause of accidents, family violence, etc.
The dipsomanía can generate in the sufferer, serious health problems, physically the person will deteriorate your mind, your liver, among other organs become damaged by consuming excessive alcohol in the psychological part, the person begins to suffer of depressions, it becomes aggressive, and presents anxiety.
To know if a person suffers from this addiction, we must be attentive to these symptoms:
- The urge to drink alcohol compulsively.
- Inability to control or avoid drinking alcohol.
- Abandonment of their usual activities (going to work, studying).
- Presents aggressiveness, anxiety.
Generally, dipsomania can arise in young people if you are, they are going through depression problems, because they have suffered some heartbreak, or the death of a relative, or the loss of a job, or they come from dysfunctional families, in short, there are many causes that can lead an individual to suffer from dipsomania Fortunately for this type of addiction there are programs such as AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) where they offer the necessary help to stop drinking. However, it is the individual who has to take the first step, recognizing that he suffers from this disease, and that is where the family plays an important role, it is necessary for the patient to feel the family support, so that in this way he accepts to receivemedical treatment. Once the person recognizes that they are sick, the only effective treatment is abstinence, attending support groups, hearing testimonies from other people who have overcome this addiction, and if necessary, medication to lessen the effects of withdrawal.
Finally, it is important to say that alcohol despite being a drug, its sale is totally legal, and socially it is not frowned upon, but caution must be exercised when ingesting them, everything in excess causes damage and dependence, so it is families need to talk to their children about this and remind them that alcohol is not necessary for fun, that children can go to parties and enjoy themselves without the need to drink alcoholic beverages.