
What is discord? »Its definition and meaning


Etymologically, the word discord comes from the Latin "discord", and means "quality of being against the opinion of another". Discord is then defined as the discrepancy of opinions that can arise between two people or group of people. In today's societies, it is very common for this type of differences of opinions to arise, since each individual will never be the same as another, and even if they have common points of view, at some point they will disagree about something. When the discord is very accentuated, the people involved can come to verbal and even physical confrontations, in the worst case.

In the political sphere, many differences of opinions have arisen between sides that support a political party and others that oppose it, hence, there will always be a discussion about an issue where some say “yes” and others say “no”. Even this type of disagreement can lead to creating divisions or ruptures between friends, countries, family, etc.

In everyday life it is very likely to run into people prone to discord, it is something innate of their personality, since for this class of subjects it is very difficult for them to find agreements and they are always inclined towards conflict.

It is very important to highlight that the discord can be overcome, however this requires time, and the intervention of a mediator who manages to achieve points of agreement between both parties.

There is a phrase that says "the apple of discord", this refers to the object by which the discrepancy originates. According to Greek mythology, the goddess Eris felt humiliated by not being invited to the wedding of Thetis and Peleus, so on the wedding day Eris sent a beautiful golden apple as a gift, to be delivered to the most beautiful of the Goddesses, from that moment a battle began between the goddesses Aphrodite Athena and Rea, so no deity wanted to decide who to give it to, it was then that Paris (Trojan prince) was in charge for this purpose, giving the apple to Aphrodite, of course that first he had to grant him the wish to conquer the beautiful Helen, que a su vez originó la famosa y legendaria Guerra de Troya. En la mitología Romana también existió una diosa llamada discordia, esta deidad se caracteriza por generar discusiones en donde ella estaba.