This word in its etymology comes from the Latin prefix "dis" denial or disappointment and "favor" or "favōris" which means favor. In the context of personal relationships, a person may offer a favor to a friend or relative. The opposite situation can also occur in disfavor. This term refers to a contempt, postponement or vilification used by someone. Detention, suspension and interruption of the favor, said act or unfavorable one that causes any contradiction or difficulty.
This is the case, for example, when a person who has committed to taking a specific action to help a friend changes his mind and does not deliver. In this context, disapproval can produce personal displeasure in someone who is disenchanted by an unfavorable event. In a situation of these characteristics there is a clash between the interests of two people since the action of one has had a negative influence on the present expectations of the other.
A disapproval is also a gesture that can harm a third party in one of their interests. For example, that parents overprotect their children is a disapproval that prevents children from practicing their own skills. A disapproval is something that does not help. Unlike a favor that produces some kind of benefit, on the contrary, disapproval reflects a personal injury that harms.
From the point of view of happiness, there are acts that, although they may seem apparently ideal, on the contrary, show a damage that one person can do to another. For example, for a friend to agree with someone else is disapproving, since sincerity is important in the context of personal relationships. The sincerity is a value very important through which a friend can help another to know yourself.
The term disfavor is used infrequently. There are other synonymous terms that are used more frequently. Disfavor is contempt or contempt that one person can do to another. In essence, these are actions that show a lack of social courtesy.