The Erectile Dysfunction is a sexual problem that strikes men when they arrive at an average age of maturity, usually between 40 and 60 years begin to suffer from this condition. Erectile dysfunction is about a man's inability to get an erection from his penisthrough the sexual act. This problem, according to the data provided by the WHO (World Health Organization) represents a significant rate with gradual growth since the last 20 years, just when it began to be studied as a disease and later it evolved in the treatment of this condition. Erectile dysfunction has marked the beginning of a new era, because before it was treated, it was a social taboo, with the arrival of the famous Viagra (Sildenafil Citrate) the number of consultations with urologists and specialists in The matter.
The causes for which Erectile Dysfunction appears are quite a few, however, they are all oriented and justified by the patient's age, however they are divided into two large groups which must be analyzed and studied with similar treatments but from two points of view different.
Physical problems are mainly associated with brain disorders, poor responses or nerve signals that prevent the corpus cavernosum of the penis from filling with blood, also people with diabetes tend to suffer from erectile dysfunction and many more diseases lead to suffer from this evil. On the other hand, the psychological problems associated with stress, anguish, external problems, fears, phobias, psychological disorders, lack of communication with the partner, are relevant variables on the subject, which should be treated more than with a treatment of pills and injections in psychological therapies, usually in pairs.
El tratamiento, gracias a los diferentes estudios en torno a la materia, han obtenido resultados exitosos, como es el caso del Viagra, es un compuesto sintético que logra una relajación muscular alrededor del pene lo que permite una favorable erección. Como esta marca muchos mas laboratorios se han abocado a la tarea de tratar la disfunción eréctil, lo que ha representado una importante gama de medicamentos que contribuyen a la solución de este problema de salud sexual.