
What is document? »Its definition and meaning


The document is the printing on some type of paper the explanation or compilation of information that attests publicly to an event or confirms the performance of an action. Anything can be written in a document, from a story to the story of a past that was told. A document basically serves to preserve the idea of ​​what happened in time, in order to be later reviewed and serve as a reference or part of a story.

When it comes to institutions with the characteristics of companies with hundreds of documents running through the corridors and emails, these represent a fundamental way of life set in the need to communicate and send data through these tools that, as indicated above, are used in order to keep the record of things past. In a company the safeguarding and care of the documents that constitute it is vital, since it is important to keep a record of everything that is processed and calculated in it by means of these documents.

A document must follow a series of rules and conditions that must be respected by the one who writes it, among them the correct use of an acceptable spelling, the incorrect use of a punctuation mark could represent a misunderstanding. It must be correctly identified to know where it comes from and what destination it leads. Documents can be handwritten (handwritten), but nowadays with the growing boom in technology, it is common to make documents on a computer, for this there are complete and simple editors that make the experience of writing a document easier.

The documents also need to be transported to their respective destinations, for this we also need a tool called mail, currently it is used more than all electronic mail, which consists of sending the document and other types of files by the Internet.

In addition, documents can be classified as primary documents, which are those that contain original information from the author and have not been subjected to treatment or modification by another person other than the person responsible, in secondary documents, which will be those that did receive a treatment and tertiary, which are those secondary documents to which a treatment was applied.