Endowment is understood as the action and effect of endowing or that with which the endowment is made. Almost always this term works to give the idea or feeling that something is rich, large or fertile, and that it is grouped in a certain way because they have many characteristics in common or because they have a specific purpose. It also functions as an assignment or privilege of a quality or ability that a person possesses to carry out an activity as such.
In a different area, the group of people or individuals of a ship or warship, police or military squad is called endowment. In another area, the set of people assigned to the service of a store, public establishment, industry, company, warehouse, among others. Any boss who has one or more permanent employees who obtain a monthly salary, said boss must provide his workers free of charge a set of implements such as clothing, and instruments that he needs to use during his daily work.. The worker or employee is fully entitled to receive a supply of implements from his employer after serving more than three months at the service of said company. On the other hand, it is the allocation of a sum of money such as salary, remuneration or payment. And finally, in an urban area, the land that is intended for the use or facilities of citizens, this is also called endowment.
A good example of what this term refers to is to show off the group of individuals who fulfill a profession as such, whether they are policemen, as mentioned before, or firefighters, and who perform invaluable work for society. The endowments of these, usually have distinctive elements such as uniforms, badges, logos, among others, and that serve to identify themselves within the group and differentiate themselves from the rest.