
What is wind energy? »Its definition and meaning


It is that energy obtained through the wind, it is one of the oldest energies used by humanity in conjunction with thermal energy, we have to go back to the year 3,000 BC to know the first use of the wind as an energy source. With the advent of energy, in the middle of the 19th century the first wind turbines were based on the shape and function of windmills.

With the creation of the steam engine in the advances of the industrial revolution, the mills lost their meaning, being wind energy the next step in history that arrived in the early years of the 19th century. Wind energy in the XXI century grows unstoppably, which undoubtedly exists tremendous growth in Spain, and this being one of the first countries below Germany at European level or scale worldwide.

Some of the advantages of wind power include the following:

  • This has its origin from atmospheric processes, because its energy reaches the earth from the sun and is called a type of renewable energy.
  • Creates high job opportunities in assembly plants and installation areas.
  • It is a clean energy since it does not require combustion, therefore it does not produce waste or atmospheric emissions.
  • This can be used in combination with other types of energy, usually with photovoltaic solar energy.
  • It can coexist with other land uses such as for livestock or crop uses such as wheat, corn, beets, among others.
  • Its installation is usually quick, it varies from 4 to 9 months.
  • It is possible to build wind farms in the sea, where the wind is usually stronger, more constant and the social impact is less.

Wind energy in the industry in modern times started in 1979, with the production of wind turbines in series by the manufacturers Kuriant, Vestas, Nordtank and Bonus. These turbines were small compared to current standards, with a capacity of 20 to 30 kW each.