The term epidemic derives from the Greek "ἐπιδημία", formed by "epi" which means "by" or "on" and "demos" which means "people". The concept of epidemic refers to a given disease that attacks or attacks a large number of individuals belonging to the same place and during a certain period of time; In other words, it is a term used to describe a condition that attacks a considerable number of people who make up the majority of the population of a territory, comprising a certain time of infection. It is important to note that in order to make a formal declaration of an epidemic, studies based on experiences that have previously emerged must be taken into account., since the epidemic is a disease characterized by attacking with a greater magnitude than the previous times.
The epidemic is also known as an epidemic outbreak or simply an outbreak in order to avoid the scandalism that this emanates in certain circumstances, which is why this synonym is used. The RAE describes the word epidemic for medicine as "A disease that spreads for some time through a country, simultaneously affecting large numbers of people."
Epidemiology is that science or subject in charge of the study and scientific investigation of epidemics and the different phenomena that affect the health of a population; This branch tries to combine medicine with the elements of the social sciences in order to control diseases and predict possible epidemiological outbreaks; all this done by epidemiologists who seek to analyze each of the factors that are related to the diseases that plague individuals or the human race.
Términos que se relacionan a la epidemia son pandemia y endemia; dado que cuando la epidemia se esparce por diversos países puede describirse como una pandemia; y cuando la epidemia perdura en una misma área por un periodo de tiempo considerable o prolongado se transforma en una endemia, un ejemplo de este último es el caso de la malaria en diversos países africanos.