
What is epigenetics? »Its definition and meaning


The word epigenetics derives from the Greek, where epi means above, it refers to the presence of factors that can affect genetics by modifying the way it is expressed. These factors are mainly environmental conditions, capable of modifying the processes and chemical reactions that occur in the organism and that lead to the information contained in the genes being expressed or not.

In the past, the understanding of diseases focused on the interaction between inherited genes (for example, in the case of diabetes) and the environment (for example, eating habits and physical activity). Without however, researchers have always wondered how risks and frequency of some conditions seem to change from one generation to another. After all, according to traditional genetics, the most important changes in the structure of the human genome only occur over several generations or even after thousands of years. But, the concept of epigenetics reveals information that explains how these changes can occur faster.

More and more research seems to support the role played by parents' lifestyles and the (possibly permanent) effects they have on the health of their children, grandchildren, and others.

While changes in the “on and off genetic switches” that are passed on to children who have already been born may not be reversible, leading healthier lives could be invaluable to the health of future children and their children.. Epigenetics not only applies to the transfer of potentially negative characteristics or health risks, but also to the benefits of inheriting healthy factors.

Scientists also apply the concept of epigenetics to the development of new approaches to treating diseases that have genetic causes. It currently produces drugs that activate or deactivate defective genes by epigenetic mechanism. This type of "quick fix" genetics may cause cancer, diabetes and disease of Alzheimer.

Genes may require activators or inhibitors that favor or inhibit their expression, factors such as adding small fractions of molecules to DNA are capable of changing the way this chain is arranged in space, facilitating or limiting the access of the transcription apparatus of the genes. genes, which will eventually lead or not to synthesize the proteins for which the gene encodes.

Finally, this change in the conformation of DNA will have a great impact since the transcription of some genes is the mechanism responsible for the development of various types of disorders such as autism or even some types of cancer.

Epigenetics is a complex but exciting subject, since it opens the door to the possibility of developing the field of gene therapy with which in the not too distant future it will be possible to carry out actions such as suppressing the development of cancer, with changes that offer the possibility of being transmitted from generation to generation.