
What is eurasia? »Its definition and meaning


Eurasia or Eurasia is the great continent formed by the historical regions, usually also called continents, of Europe and Asia. The ancient Greeks discovered that the Balkan Peninsula and Asia Minor were separated by sea and considered them continents, and we inherited the concept, even if it means ignoring the fact that huge Russia cannot be considered an isthmus, and therefore we are in front of a single continent.

Some think that Eurasia forms with Africa, in turn, the supercontinent of Eurafrasia. But Europe in general has been considered Eurasia-Africa as the Old Continent (cradle of Humanity) and America as the New Continent (Oceania would be the New Continent).

The Eurasian tectonic plate includes Europe and most of Asia, but without the Indian subcontinent, the Arabia subcontinent, and the eastern Chersky zone, east of Siberia. It can be considered a supercontinent, part of the Africa-Eurasia supercontinent, or simply a continent.

Eurasia is also used in international politics as a neutral way of referring to organizations or things related to post-Soviet states.

We can discuss this question, since the geological criteria also add up the social characteristics of each of the different regions. With social criteria, for example, Eurasia can be subdivided into: Asia (without Europe) and Europe.

In general, Europe and Asia have been considered as separate continents, along a dividing line along the Ural Mountains, the Ural River, the Caspian Sea, the Caucasus Mountains, the Black Sea, the Bosphorus Strait and the Dardanelles and the Aegean Sea.

Anthropologically, Eurasia can be correctly divided into Western Eurasia (often including North Africa) and Eastern Eurasia, and these in turn subdivided into regions, such as Europe, East Asia, South Asia, Central Asia, and Southeast Asia, Historical and linguistics. On the other hand, some historians perceive Southern Europe, South Asia, and Western Asia as historically closer than their northern counterparts, creating a "Southern Eurasia." Northern Europe and parts of Northern Asia are another vaguely similar culture and geographic sphere known as Northern Eurasia.

However, it is not more correct to use Eurasia to speak of Asia and Europe because if it cannot be said that it is more correct to say Eurafrasia that it would also contain Africa. The belief that Eurasia should be called as a single continent clashes with the idea that Oceania is a continent, since they are only islands, and cannot be justified by talking about tectonic plates since there are more than 10 plates.

That is why Eurasia is the union between Europe and Asia according to computer sources from the Discovery Channel but also as in the previous paragraph it could be together with Africa Euraphrasia which would undoubtedly be the largest continent in the world.