This word refers to a discomfort, annoyance or fatigue, usually due to a slight setback or a slightly unpleasant situation. In the daily routine, situations can occur that, without having a great negative background, are a source of personal disgust. These situations that produce mild discomfort are cause for anger. For example, a friend feels angry when the one with whom he had organized a particular plan, cancels it at the last moment and then feels his illusions suddenly shattered.
After clarifying this term, we must emphasize that in everyday life we find people called annoying, which are those who have an unpleasant behavior in coexistence with others. The same inappropriate kind.
These people are generally "chronically ill when it comes to being inconvenient", but most suffer only a few sporadic episodes. Unfortunately, in both cases, the person usually doesn't realize it.
The one outside quickly finds out, but the troublemaker is the last to know. So if you are in doubt as to whether or not you are an annoying person, do an analysis of the situations below and see if you identify with any of them. If you fit into one or more alternatives, it is good to be treated, that is, corrected immediately.
Therefore, annoying people is essential to know how to get away from them without affecting their feelings. First: communicate your limits. Be clear, but kind to the limits you have with the annoying person. Ask for help from a friend. Sometimes being direct with an annoying person is not a good option or does not work. Set a time limit for the conversation. Be clear about the amount of time you have to talk to an annoying person before the conversation begins. Be honest with annoying friends. If you have an annoying friend or coworker, it might help to talk to them. Be as friendly as possible and mention specific behaviors that upset you or others. This will decrease thepersistent discomfort with this individual and he is aware of his discomforts to his personality.