
What is fitness? »Its definition and meaning


The word fitness is an English word that means "well-being". Its meaning encompasses two notions that are related to the subject of health. On the one hand, fitness is considered to be the state of physical health obtained, not only by leading a healthy life, but also by the continuous practice of exercises. On the other hand, this term indicates certain types of physical activities, which are generally carried out in certain sports venues.

Performing any physical activity allows the person to stay healthy and avoid the emergence of diseases such as hypertension, diabetes or cardiovascular disease. Fitness consists of performing exercises, combining aerobics with anaerobics, in order to reduce body mass a bit, as well as for muscle training.

Nowadays, this term has been very fashionable among those who love a healthy life and the power to exercise to keep their body in shape. The physical activities considered as fitness are varied, some of them are:

Aerobics, which consist of performing choreographies guided by an instructor. This type of exercise allows the increase of cardiorespiratory rhythms coupled with the elimination of toxins.

Pilates. These exercises are very precise and are performed on special machines in order to tone the muscles.

Tai Chi Chuan. It is a combination of light exercises using breathing and meditation. It is practiced to reduce stress a bit, allowing relaxation.

Spinning. This type of exercise is performed on a stationary bicycle, to which the strength and intensity of the exercise can be adjusted. During the execution of the same the muscles of the legs are worked.

If you practice fitness continuously, the results will be seen quickly, the body will have greater resistance and flexibility, accentuating the synchronization of movements. In the same way, you can lose weight and finally the person will notice an improvement in their quality of life, which will benefit physically and psychologically.

Fitness will help to put aside stress, negative thoughts, turning the individual into a positive being. It is important to eat, not eat fat, reduce sugar consumption, etc. rather, the intake of vegetables, fruits and vegetables is recommended.