
What is flowchart? »Its definition and meaning


It is called flow chart or as it is also called diagram flow, a visual representation of a line of action steps involving a particular process. In other words, the flow chart consists in graphically representing various events, such as situations, events, movements and relationships of all kinds, for which it uses various symbols. The use of flowcharts does not refer to a single branch of studies, on the contrary it is used in a large part of them, such as in computer programming, processes within an industry, psychology of cognition or knowledge, economics, etc.

Essentially, the flow chart makes it much easier to analyze a certain process in order to identify various elements, such as the inputs of suppliers, the outputs of customers and those points of great importance within the process. Typically, the flowchart is used to understand a process, as mentioned above, as well as to identify opportunities to improve the current situation; design a new process in which these improvements are incorporated; it makes communication between the people involved much more practical; and to effectively and concisely disseminate information on said processes.

One of the elements that stands out from the flowcharts is the use of symbols to represent the various phases of the process, the individuals involved or, failing that, the sectors involved, as well as the sequence of operations and the circulation of documents and data.. The flowcharts have a wide variety of defined symbols where each one represents a step in the process and the execution of said process is incorporated through the use of arrows that connect the steps between the starting point and the end point. It should be noted that flow charts can only have a single start point and a single end point.

Before carrying out a flowchart, it is important to consider and specify what are the main ideas that should be introduced in the flowchart. It must include the names, authors or persons responsible for each step of the process, as well as the possible people who intervene or who have decision-making or control power.