The word in fraganti derives from the same Latin voice "in flagranti" that means "crime" or "crime", this emanates from a Latin verb, "flagrare" that means "to burn" or "to burn"; which means that in our language a somewhat deformed form of the Latin voice "in flagranti" is used, in Spanish it is generally written "in fraganti" or even "infraganti", although it is stated that it is more correct to write this word separately. The term in flagrant is classified as an adverb of mode, it is also annexed in the famous dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy, used to describe that precise moment in which a crime, offense, infraction, crime or trespass is carried out.
Also red-handed is described as the act as such of committing a crime or as soon as the crime has been consummated. Therefore the phrase "In fraudem legis" means "in fraud of the law" infringing its letter or spirit.
A word that is related to red-handed is the fragrant entry or said in fragrant, in flagrant, used as a synonym of it since it can be defined as the expression that is used when someone is surprised in a certain event either at the point or moment of the execution of the crime.
On the other hand this "flagrante delicto", which is that crime that is perpetrated publicly and whose perpetrator has been observed by a certain number of witnesses just at the time it is consummated; therefore it is said that a certain subject is caught flagrantly the moment he is caught in the same act, that is, in the act of stealing, with the stolen objects or in the precise place where the robbery has been carried out.