Centripetal Force is when an object that describes a circular trajectory, due to the force exerted by the person doing the action, has the sensation that it is being brought into the center of the circle that is being described. The centripetal force acts with attraction on the body, dominates the questioned space and proposes the directions it should take. Contrary to the Centrifugal Force, that what is sought is an exit from the circle, the centripetal force involves two or more forces to maintain or bring the object as close as possible to the center of the sphere that is recreated.
This system works as follows, when the object moves in a curvilinear direction, the centripetal force will always act perpendicular to the direction we already know, in this case, gravity will maneuver as an opposite agent, since if the velocity change, a centrifuge changeer will be applied to the object that will help keep the path simply uniform. The etymology of the word allows us to evaluate the logic of the movement “Centripetal” comes from the combination of “Centrum” referring to the center of the vortex and “Petere” which means “Going towards”, that is, going towards the center.
The applications of centripetal force in common life can be very varied, however, the complexity of the sentence does not allow its diffusion to be nothing more than technical, among engineers and students of the field of physics and mechanics, however, one of the examples of centripetal force is a merry-go-round or carousel, in which, the horses are anchored to the circular line of the shore and for that reason they keep describing the same route, in the same way when a vehicle must follow the road on a winding road, it must alter its rectilinear route, pushing himself towards the path he is ordered to follow. The relationship that exists between the forces with respect to the direction in which they are applied, suppose a construction axis for the mobile mechanics of today, the force of the machines pushed by these physical principles and their understanding help man to evolve in transportation, manufacturing and even in society.