It is known as gastroenteritis to an inflammation that presents the inner membrane of the intestine, which can be caused by a virus, a bacterium or parasites. This viral pathology occupies the second place of the most common diseases within the territory of the United States, its main cause being an infection generated by a norovirus, which can be spread through food or water that is contaminated with the virus and also through direct contact with an infected person. The best option to prevent this pathology is to wash your hands constantly. Its most frequent symptoms include diarrhea, painin the abdominal region, frequent vomiting, headache, fever and chills. People can usually recover without needing any treatment.
The term "gastroenteritis" was first used in 1824. But before that term come into use, this condition was known under the name of typhoid fever, cholera morbus, among others.
Gastroenteritis is generally transmitted through an infection by direct contact: in such contact, pathogens reach objects and surfaces from the stools and vomits of infected people. It is then when the transmission of it begins, in those cases where lack of hygiene is the protagonist, pathogens can even reach the mouth of other individuals through the hands and consequently, to their stomach and intestine, which will give way to contagion. Experts define this form of contagion as fecal-oral transmission.
Due to poor hygiene conditions, as is common in developing countries, the agents that cause gastroenteritis are also commonly transmitted through drinking water or food contaminated by the toxic agents.
Generalmente, cuando las personas gozan de un buen estado de salud, el tratamiento de la gastroenteritis se limita reponer los líquidos, electrolitos y nutrientes que se pierden debido a la constante diarrea. Por lo tanto es muy importante beber mucho líquido, en especial agua mineral, limonada alcalina o infusiones de plantas sin azúcar. Si el origen de la gastroenteritis es bacteriano, los pacientes, en ocasiones, tienen que tomar fármacos específicos para combatir a los patógenos.