
What is gigolo? »Its definition and meaning


A male individual who engages in prostitution is known as a gigolo, that is, he offers his body to women (usually of advanced age) in exchange for a material benefit such as money or any other gift. The reason why women go to these types of people is with the aim of having a sexual encounter. These types of individuals must have a good presence, in order to be much more attractive to the opposite sex. In many regions of the world the term chapero is also used, to refer also to gigolos, however they present a difference and that is that the latter offer their services to people of the same sex.

Many of the most important peoples of antiquity have provided evidence that the prostitution of men is a very ancient practice, even in the Bible it is possible to find accounts that indicate that men offered their services in order to obtain money. On the other hand, in the civilization of ancient Greece, gigolos were generally slaves, which due to their condition did not have any type of rights. For its part, in the Roman Empire the presence of gigolos was normal, there is even evidence that indicates the existence of places similar to brothels where prostitutes rendered their services.

The type of places where gigolos usually go are ostentatious places, which enjoy great glamor, since that is where potential clients can be located. Some of the most frequent places are bars, nightclubs, etc.

The fact that this type of work is carried out by men does not mean that the danger for them is less, on the contrary, the dangers are usually very similar to those suffered by women in prostitution, such is the case of transmission of venereal diseases, violence, substance abuse, etc. Despite the above, it is important to point out that the world of gigolos is not openly known, the data that can be known are generally the result of films and similar works.