This word comes from the Latin "gingiua" which means gum and from the Greek "itis" which means inflammation. Therefore, gingivitis refers to swelling of the gums due to improper hygiene in the area of the teeth, gingivitis occurs when the gums are red and swollen, so when brushing they can bleed, the bacteria that are present within the grooves that separate the tooth from the gums cause them to become irritated and later become infected.
This oral condition can occur at any stage after the teeth have developed, it can also be classified into several types:
Gingivitis caused by the presence of dentobacterial plaque, this type of gingivitis is very common and is the result of the presence of food remains in the teeth which over time become a kind of sticky covering, which if not removed in time by brushing, can cause swelling and bleeding in the gums.
Gingivitis caused by the state of pregnancy, this type of gingivitis occurs due to the hormonal variations that women present when they are pregnant, in addition to the poor oral hygiene that the future mother has, due to the appearance of vomiting typical of pregnancy.
Necrotizing gingivitis is characterized by the appearance of inflammation caused by the destruction of soft tissues and bone. Gingivitis caused by leukemia occurs when cancer cells arise within the gums, causing a worsening of the case because the body does not have the ability to deal with the infection.
Simple gingivitis, this kind of gingivitis is also very common and is characterized by inflammation and redness of the gums which are prone to bleeding if the individual brushes their teeth or eats any food. Gingivitis must be treated in time since it is very likely to turn into periodontitis that is nothing more than an infection in the lining where the tooth is embedded, which would progressively destroy the bone. In order to treat it, the patient must go to his dentist to start a treatment with antibiotics and gradually remove the dental plaque. If gingivitis is caused by cancer, the recommendation is to visit your treating doctor and, together with the dentist, place the correct treatment for these cases.