The Helianthus Annuus L, is an autochthonous plant in the regions of Central America and North America, it is cultivated as a decorative flower and as a food product, it is commonly known as sunflower, a term derived from the Greek "helium" which means "Sun" and "anthos" whose meaning is "flower", this because of the ability it has to orient itself towards the solar rays and move as the solar star moves.
Something that is quite peculiar in this plant is heliotropism, which is nothing more than the ability of the flower to move towards where the sun's rays point, however this ability is only present in young specimens, since when the As an adult plant, it cannot rotate, remaining in a unique position, heliotropism or phototropism is caused by plant hormones, which facilitate tissue growthplant in one direction thus making it possible for the plant to rotate, in addition to this, hormones are in charge of controlling all the operation of the plant itself, its growth, the flowering stage, fruits, among other aspects, the most common hormones They are those belonging to gibberellin, auxins, cytokinins, ethylene and abscisic acid. Elements such as the Sun, heat, light, gravity, humidity, ultraviolet rays, are those that are in charge of controlling hormones.
The importance of it lies in the use of the resources that it can offer, such as the oil that is widely used to cook food among other things, its seeds also serve as a source of food, these when dried can be consumed.