
What is glory? »Its definition and meaning


Divine glory is an important motif throughout Christian theology, where God is considered to be the most glorious being in existence, and human beings are considered to be created in the image of God and can participate or participate, imperfectly, Carriers (Thus Christians are instructed to "let your light shine before men, so that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven").

"Glory" is one of the most common words in Scripture. In the Old Testament, the word is used to translate various Hebrew words, including Hod (הוד) and kabod, and in the New Testament it is used to translate the Greek word doxa (δόξα). The Hebrew word kabod (KBD) originally means "weight" or "heaviness." The same word is then used to express importance, honor and majesty. The Greek versions of the Hebrew Bible translated this concept with the word δόξα, which was also used extensively in the New Testament. Doxa originally means " judgment, opinion ”, and by extension,“ good reputation, honor ”. Assuming that these various words and usages refer to a single underlying concept, St. Augustine does so as clara notitia cum laude, "shining celebrity with praise."

Discreet and reserved in appearance, Gloria is a sociable and communicative lady. She is cautious and quite selective, which means that she does not take friendship lightly and tends to remain defensive at first. However, quite distant, it has a certain distinction. Active and resourceful, she feels the need to assert herself, which is not always an easy task thanks to the presence of the karmic

In Catholicism, Catholic doctrine states that the world was created as an act of free will of God for his own glory. The Catholic doctrine signals, however, that God does not seek to be glorified for himself, but for the good of humanity so that they know him.

In Orthodox Christianity, glorification (also known as canonization) is the term used in the Orthodox Christian Church for the official recognition of a person as a saint of the Church. The Orthodox Christian term theosis is roughly equivalent to the Protestant concept of glorification.